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2 chronicles 34 :25

" For my people have abandoned 1and offered sacrifice to pagan gods, and I am very angry with them for everything they have done.

My anger will be poured out on this place and it will not be quenced "
The bible refer many times to the anger or the wrath of God  which is arouse because of the sin of human race. 

It is also known as Judgement of God, Hosea 5 : 1 says ::- 
" Hear this you priest, pay attention you leader of Israel, listen you members of the royal house , judgment has been handed down against you.For you have led the people into a snare by worshipping the idol at mizpahand Tabor "

God is the judge of all the earth his judgmentwhich is always right all the time began with man first sin because non of us lived Right to God's standard of righteousness, judgment always ha ga over our heads.

The Bible tells us that God expressed his Anger injudvement in order  to punish sin, to reveal himself as God ,to drive his people to repentance, and to purify them. Gods judvement always includes the element of ::-
1, Justice
2, Grace

We must remember that judgement is  not Gods last word to those who believe in him, for mercy wins out over judvement.

In this post we are going to look at these aims and objective ::-
1, The anger of Jesus.

2, The human anger.

3, The anger of God.

4, And the conclusion of the topic.


1, It was expressed by such people as;
Cain ::- Genesis 4 : 5 - 6
" But he didnot accept Cain and his gift .This made Cain very Angry and feel dejected.

Why are you so Angry?, the Lord asked Cain,why do you look so dejected? "
The question is ,how do you tea t when someone  suggest you have done something wrong? Do you move to correct it, or deny the wrong thing you need to correct. After Cains sacrifice was rejected, God gave him the chance to right what he had done but Cain refused and the rest of Cains life is the starting example of how someone's life will be if he/she rejects correct thon from God.

Let's not be have like Cain but always correct our mistake when told.

Jacob ::- Genesis 30 :2
" Then Jacob became furious (Angry) with Rachel am I The lord (God)? He asked, he is the one who has kept you from having children "

Other examples of people that got angry in the bible are ::-
1, Moses ::- Exodus 18 : 11

2, Saul ::- 1 Samuel 20 :30

3, David ::- 2 Samuel 6 : 8

4,  Naaman ,Nehemiah ,Jonah etc


1, We must stay away from things that  makes us Angry ::- sales 38 : 8
" Be still in the presence of the lord,and wait patiently for him to act, don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their worked schemes "

2, We must be slow to getting angry ::- James 1: 19 - 20
" Understand this my brothers and sisters, you must all be quick to listen , slow to speak and slow to get angry.
Human anger does not produce the  righteousness God desires "

3, We must keep our temper in check ::- Proverbs 16 : 32
" It is better to be patient than powerful, better to have self control than to conquer a city with your rage "

4, In our anger we must not sin ::- psalms 4 : 4
" Don't sin by letting Anger control you, think about it overnight and remain silent " 

Ephesians 4 :26 - 27
" To make her holy and clean , washed by the cleansing Of gods words.
He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead she will be holy and without fault.


1, Jesus showed his anger at injustice ::-  Mark 3 : 5
" He looked at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hardened hearts.
Then he said to the man, " hold out your hand " so the man held out his hand and it was restored "

Jesus was angry about the Pharisees uncaring attitudes, anger itself is not wrong ,it depends on :-
1, what makes us angry

2, what we do with our anger
Too often we express our anger in selfish and harmful ways, by contrast Jesus  express his angerbycorrecti g a pro Lem e.g healing g the man's hand.
We should use our anger to find constructive solution rather than to tear people down.

Mark 10 : 14
" when Jesus saw what was happen I ng, he was angry with his disciples.
He said to them " let the children come to me don't stop them, for the kingdom of God  bell ga to those who are like these children "

2,  Jesus expressed anger at the misuse of Gods house ::- John 2 : 12 - 17
In the temple area Jesus saw merchants selling cattle ,sheep's and doves for sacrifice. He also saw dealers exchanging money. 


a, He made a whip from some robes.

b, Chase them all out of the temple.

c., He drove out sheep's cattle and s after the table of the money exchangers.

d, He went to the people selling g doves and told them " Get these things put of here, stop turning my fathers house into a market place "

Then his disciples remembered this prophecy from the scripture "  passion for Gods house will consume me "

4, In the final judvement ::- Revelation 6 : 16 - 17.
" And they cried the mountain  and the rocks , fall on us and Hide us from the face  of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb.
For the great day of their wrath has come and who is able to survive ? "


1, Gods anger is righteous ::- Romans 3 : 5-6.
" But some might say, our sinfulness serve a good purpose , for it helps people see how rivhteousGodis.
Isn't it unfair , then , for him to punish us? (Thisismeritly a human point of view )
Of course not, if God were not entirely fair ,how could he be qualified to judge the world? "
Some may think they don't have to worry about sin because ::-
1, Its God job to forgive.

2, God is so loving that he wouldnt judge us.

3,  Sin isn't so bad ,its teaches us lessons.

4, we need to stay in touch with the culture  around us.
But God cannot overlook sin, sinners, No matter how many excuses they make, they will have to answer to God for their sin. 

2, what are the reasons for God anger? 
Because of the worship of Idols ::- 2 Chronicles 34 :25 , 1 kings 14 : 9 
" You have have done more evil than all who lived before you.
You have made other gods for yourselves and have made me furious with your Gold calves. And since you have turn your back on me "

Because of our involvent with sin ::- Deuteronomy 9 : 7
" Remember and never forget how angry you made the lord your God out in the wilderness, from the day you left Egypt until now , you have been constantly rebelling against " 
The people of Israelite were in constant sin that really made God very angry and not happy with them. Its Leeds to him allowing them to be carried into captivity or exile.

Unjust treatment of other makes God angry ::- Isaiah 10 :1 - 4
" what sorrow awaits the unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. They deprive the poor of justice and deny the right of the needy amongst my people. They prey on widows and take advantage of orphans.
What will you when I punish you, when I send disasters upon you from a distant land. To whom will you turn for help? Where will your treasures be safe?

You will stumble along as prisoners or lie among the dead. But even then the Lords anger will not be satisfied."

When we refuse to repent ::- Isaiah 9 :13 ,17 , Romans 2 :5

3, How does God express his anger?
He expresses his anger in temporal judgment ::- Numbers 11:1 ,33
" Soon the people began to com plain about their hardship ,and the lord heard everything they said . then the lords anger blaze against them, and he sent a fire to rage among them and he destroy some of the people in the outskirts of the town "

He will express anger in his day ::-  psalms 110 :5
" The lord stands at your right hand  to protect you.
He will stroke down many kings when  his anger erupts. "
Other verses are ::- Zephaniah 1 :15 ,18
                                  Revelation 11 :18
                                  Romans 2 :5

4, How is God controlling his anger ?
God  is slow to getting angry ::- Exodus 34 : 6

Gods mercy overshadows his  anger ::- psalms 30 :5

God will turn away his anger ::- Isaiah 48 : 9

God will spare believers from his wrath ::- Romans 5 : 9
